-Bueno, voy a una entrevista.
-Ta’bien use el mío.
Me abrió el portón y dirigió mis torpes maniobras automovilísticas. Pensé que tal vez era un ángel. El ascensor se veía viejo, piso 7 puerta azul, rótulo en letras doradas: Ronald Rosenthal, Esq. Toqué la puerta, la chica, Mely o Lilly, algo así, me sonrió, me preguntó el nombre, que me sentara, que ya mismo el licenciado estaba conmigo, que de verdad que hoy era un día caótico. Me senté en una silla sin descansa brazo, sin saber qué hacer con mis manos, así que apagué el timbre del celular y me abracé a mi cartera/maletín. La secretaria tenía un traje de algodón anaranjado, unas plataformas de corcho y una pantalla en el cartílago de la oreja derecha, me dio envidia. A lo mejor estoy overdressed --pensé, pero no se puede estar overdressed para una entrevista de trabajo, me contesté casi instantáneamente. Miré las paredes, no sé si era empapelado o si eran de gypsum board, cambié de opinión, definitivamente estaba overdressed. Había papeles por todo el piso, montañas de papeles, parecía una película de Wooy Allen y de pronto tuve la sensación de estar dentro de un trailer.
-No estés nerviosa, él es bien cool, pero está medio… (y el dedo índice dando vueltas alrededor de la oreja izquierda)
-No estaba nerviosa, estaba aterrorizada, y un poquito aliviada de que al menos no le molestaría mi desorganización.
De un cuarto contiguo salió un señor, con la boca medio abierta y la espalda encorvada, con un pantalón crema pleated y una camisa de mangas cortas. Salió de lo que parecía un cuarto de fotocopias, entonces vi a una señora en mahones, tenía facciones indígenas, la boca pintada de naranja, ni me miró, estaba buscando entre las montañas de papel. Un muchacho en camiseta, también en mahones sacaba copias. El señor tenía como 109 años y caminaba despacio como buscando algo. Minelly me susurró señalándolo:
-Ese es el licenciado.
Me lo temía.
-Where is the file that I put here?
-Are you sure you’re putting stuff where you think you’re putting them?
El licenciado la miró, luego me miró y me dijo
-I’ll be with you in a minute.
Menos de un minuto después,
-would you mind to come to my office?
Entramos a la oficina que era una continuación concentrada y triplicada de la sala de espera…
-Well it’s not here…
Le dije que me parecía que tenía una copia en el carro, que si quería podía ir a buscarla. Y en la parte de atrás de mi cabeza, si salgo no vuelvo a entrar.
-would you mind?
-Not at all
-Excellent! Now you’re gonna think that we have no idea what we’re doing; and you’re completely right.
Me levanté y caminé sigilosamente hacia la puerta que por dentro no era tan azul. Nelly me preguntó un tanto asustada que para dónde iba. Le expliqué y me ordenó que me quedara, escuché los regaños al jefe a través de las paredes, que comprobé eran de cartón. Acto seguido, regresó victoriosa,
-Ya lo encontró, puedes pasar.
Entré y me volví a sentar en el sofá cubierto por algo así como un poncho mexicano.
-OK, now, why do you want to be a legal secretary.
-Well, basically my actual schedule its not working for me.
-And why aren’t you pursuing a literature PHD, that I see is your field.
-Actually I’m starting law school in august, I’m gonna study at night, that’s why I need another job.
-Oh, that’s why Nelly is leaving me, she’s been here for 7 years, but now she graduated and decided that she rather be a lawyer than a legal secretary. Before her I had a lady that worked for me for four years, got sick, ask me a leave for an operation, and never came back. Before her I had another secretary, worked for me for over 20 years, and then she died. So, what are your salary expectations?
-Hummm, actually I make 30K annually, plus I have all type of insurances, since I work for an insurance company.
-Oh, that’s close to what I pay to Nelly but she’s been here for 7 years, and you have no experience. I will make you a lower offer, and I will only pay you health insurance. You can have your birthday off, and Veteran’s day, well, some of them. Oh and Jewish New Years Eve, cause I’m Jewish. And, let me ask you something: will you mind doing some personal favors to me?
En se momento ya estoy pensando, there is now way I’m giving you a blowjob y parece que el viejito me leyó la mente.
-I mean like going out and buying lunch for me. Some secretaries are really against that, but you know, sometimes I get hungry.
Me río y le digo que sí, que no tengo problema con eso
-Do you have a driver’s license by the way.
-Yes I do. (expirada by the way)
-I see you’re bilingual, would you consider yourself fully bilingual.
-Ahm, yes.
-Most of my clients only speak English, but some of my employees only speak Spanis,. you see, María, the lady you saw out there, has been with me for almost 10 years, she’s Mexican, doesn’t understand a word that comes out from my mouth, Eliú, you saw him outside too, he’s finally learning to speak English after six years working with me. So basically I need someone to translate. Do you have any questions?
-No sir.
-You see this dossiers?
y me señala unos documentos que habría que pesarlos en kilos
-If you get the job you’ll make them, they’re at least 1,500 pages each. You mind?
-I guess not.
-Well will give you a call, I have to interview like 30 more people that answer the ad before I make a decision, it’s amazing what internet can do. Seven years ago, I placed the Ad on the newspaper, only Nelly answered. So thank you for your interest, it was nice to meet you and I’ll call you as I said.
Con mi suerte y la morbosidad de mis ángeles, he’ll keep his promises, all of them.
Entré y me volví a sentar en el sofá cubierto por algo así como un poncho mexicano.
-OK, now, why do you want to be a legal secretary.
-Well, basically my actual schedule its not working for me.
-And why aren’t you pursuing a literature PHD, that I see is your field.
-Actually I’m starting law school in august, I’m gonna study at night, that’s why I need another job.
-Oh, that’s why Nelly is leaving me, she’s been here for 7 years, but now she graduated and decided that she rather be a lawyer than a legal secretary. Before her I had a lady that worked for me for four years, got sick, ask me a leave for an operation, and never came back. Before her I had another secretary, worked for me for over 20 years, and then she died. So, what are your salary expectations?
-Hummm, actually I make 30K annually, plus I have all type of insurances, since I work for an insurance company.
-Oh, that’s close to what I pay to Nelly but she’s been here for 7 years, and you have no experience. I will make you a lower offer, and I will only pay you health insurance. You can have your birthday off, and Veteran’s day, well, some of them. Oh and Jewish New Years Eve, cause I’m Jewish. And, let me ask you something: will you mind doing some personal favors to me?
En se momento ya estoy pensando, there is now way I’m giving you a blowjob y parece que el viejito me leyó la mente.
-I mean like going out and buying lunch for me. Some secretaries are really against that, but you know, sometimes I get hungry.
Me río y le digo que sí, que no tengo problema con eso
-Do you have a driver’s license by the way.
-Yes I do. (expirada by the way)
-I see you’re bilingual, would you consider yourself fully bilingual.
-Ahm, yes.
-Most of my clients only speak English, but some of my employees only speak Spanis,. you see, María, the lady you saw out there, has been with me for almost 10 years, she’s Mexican, doesn’t understand a word that comes out from my mouth, Eliú, you saw him outside too, he’s finally learning to speak English after six years working with me. So basically I need someone to translate. Do you have any questions?
-No sir.
-You see this dossiers?
y me señala unos documentos que habría que pesarlos en kilos
-If you get the job you’ll make them, they’re at least 1,500 pages each. You mind?
-I guess not.
-Well will give you a call, I have to interview like 30 more people that answer the ad before I make a decision, it’s amazing what internet can do. Seven years ago, I placed the Ad on the newspaper, only Nelly answered. So thank you for your interest, it was nice to meet you and I’ll call you as I said.
Con mi suerte y la morbosidad de mis ángeles, he’ll keep his promises, all of them.
1 comentario:
Chica de lo que te salvaste. Eso le llamamos en astrología: tienes protección divina.éxito. VR
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